For Organisations
Polyvagal-Informed Certificate Program
These days, organizations of all stripes – clinical, non-clinical, public, private, etc. – are seeing a huge rise in stress-related challenges. The Harvard Business Review describes today’s environment as ‘VUCA’ – a world filled with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. And yet, no matter what culture or environment we work in, we have an innate, biologically-based need for safety and connection.
The Polyvagal-Informed Certificate Program is designed to help organizations develop an awareness around the need for safety and to assist with creating healthy cultures of connection and belonging.
The program is built around the core understanding that physiological state drives our behavior (rather than conscious intention). By developing self-awareness around our own nervous system states and learning to shift into states that promote social engagement, we can create an ‘upward spiral’ resulting in an organizational culture that feels healthier, resilient, inclusive, and collaborative.
Self-Awareness of Physiological States > Sensitivity to Others’ States > Improved Relational Skills > Connected and Co-Regulated Teams > Reduced Stress and Turnover > Improved Culture and Client Outcomes

Program Description
The PV-I Certificate program is aimed at developing individual awareness as well as cultural adoption of PV Principles. The training occurs over a few weeks; however, ongoing education is provided to ensure PV Principles are firmly embedded in both individuals as well as the organization’s culture. Training includes the following components:
Organization-wide assessment
Core training for the entire team in PVT
Integration of PV Principles into 6 key areas of the organization
Creating and Executing a PV Plan
Continuing Education for the entire staff post-certification
Program Process
The program process begins with completing a client inquiry form and scheduling a call with PVI.
An assessment is given to all team members which helps PVI customize the training per the goals and needs of the organization.
Core training in PVT and how it will be integrated into key areas of the organization is conducted via live online Zoom meetings.
A Polyvagal Plan is developed by team members, implementation begins immediately.
After a 3-month period, another assessment is given and the Polyvagal Plan is reviewed and refined per feedback from the entire team. At that time, certification is granted to the organization.
Ongoing education is delivered to the organization via an app customized for the client and for future communication with other PV-Informed organizations.
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To Learn More
The Polyvagal-Informed Certificate Program is customized for three types of organizations. To learn more, please access the appropriate PDF below.
Clinical Organizations
Polyvagal-Informed clinical organizations include organizations providing therapy-oriented services. Our goal is to increase the “quality of care” we bring to clients, as well as fellow team members, through Polyvagal-Informed interactions.
Clinical Organizations
Polyvagal-Informed clinical organizations include organizations providing therapy-oriented services. Our goal is to increase the “quality of care” we bring to clients, as well as fellow team members, through Polyvagal-Informed interactions.
Clinical Organizations
Polyvagal-Informed clinical organizations include organizations providing therapy-oriented services. Our goal is to increase the “quality of care” we bring to clients, as well as fellow team members, through Polyvagal-Informed interactions.